Talk About a Time You Made a Promise to Someone (4) (1)

Talk About a Time You Made a Promise to Someone

Talk about a time you made a promise to someone

  • Whom did you make the promise to?
  • What the promise was?
  • Why do you make the promise?
  • Was the promise easy to achieve?

Sample Answer of Talk About a Time You Made a Promise to Someone

I remember when my son was ten months old, I was so eager to see him make an attempt to walk by his first birthday. This desire prompted me to make a promise to him. The promise was that, if he’s able to walk on or by his first birthday, I would get him a toy mobile phone. I noticed that he’s always fascinated when he sees mobile phones or when he hears his favourite rhymes on the phone. I made the promise to him because I wanted to motivate him to walk. I wanted him to earn the gift I would present to him. The promise was quite easy to achieve because I had already bought the toy, so I always used it to tease him, which made him eager in trying to chase me around for it.

Follow-ups of Talk About a Time You Made a Promise to Someone

Question 1:- Do parents in your country make a lot of promises to their children?

Answer- In my country, most parents’ relationship is quite conservative even though the trend is changing gradually as a result of education and sensitization. In the olden days, parents didn’t see usually made promises to their children. Even if they do, they would rather keep it a secret.

Question 2:- Do children also make a lot of promises to their parents?

Answer- The children, on the other hand, in their bid to make their parents happy or make it up to them, tend to make lots of promises such as, I will learn hard to pass my exam, I will make you very proud and all that.

Question 3:- Are most people able to fulfil their promises?

Answer- Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to value the relevance of keeping their promises and tend not to fulfil them.

Question 4:- How do you feel when others break their promises?

Answer- I always feel disappointed because I better don’t know what you have in mind and be surprised than know and anticipate it only for me to be broken-hearted because the promise was not fulfilled.

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I am Mnajeet, an experienced teacher of IELTS with experience in teaching students how to grasp this English language. With more than seven years of knowledge, I've created an ethos of teaching that is both creative and compassionate, designed to maximize the potential of each student. I am a specialist in creating individualized educational plans that focus on achieving top IELTS scores and developing a passion for language learning and the English language.

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