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As the Population of a Nation Increases, New Houses Are Needed

As the Population of a Nation Increases, New Houses Are Needed (2) (1)

As the population of a nation increases, new houses are needed. Do you think it is better to build new houses in the countryside or in the cities?

It is a well-known fact that is owing to the rising population day by day, new accommodation requires. A number of individuals believe that building houses in the village side instead of metropolitan area would be a great option. I believe that the countryside would be better than cities, my inclination will be justified in the following paragraphs along with a logical conclusion.

There are various reasons why I think building new houses in developing areas of the country is a better option. In some countries, people are migrating villages to the urban side for a better quality of life, amenities, infrastructure, and vocational perspective. If people develop new houses in the suburbs, then it aids to rise civilization. As a result, high chance of the industrial revolution there. In other words, the population is higher; then it also improves amenities such as education and medicine. Additionally, in case it happens successfully, then it contributes to country growth such as GDP( growth domestic progress)

In megacities, finding a vacant space for construction is hard because it is not specious. Moreover, the cost of building houses there is more expensive than a village. Another reason is that if citizens build more accommodation in the developed part of the nation, then it forge dichotomy between two parts of the area. Additionally, for some reason, people also shift to municipal areas. However, from a vocational and education perspective, people live to live in the urban side.

In conclusion, mankind’s population has been climbing, and it has also become crux. I believe that for equality and growing country growth, build houses in under development places is good, it also reduces the difference between metropolitan and village.

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