Describe the Stage/part of Your Life That You Enjoyed the Most
Describe the Stage/part of Your Life That You Enjoyed the Most. You should say: what part it is? where you were then? what memorable things Read More
Describe the Stage/part of Your Life That You Enjoyed the Most. You should say: what part it is? where you were then? what memorable things Read More
Describe a Historical Period/time You Want to Know More About You should say: What event it is? When did it happen? Who or what was Read More
Talk About a Time When You Enjoyed Your Visit to a Park or Garden. Where it was? what it looked like? What you did there? Read More
Describe a Person Who Often Travels by Plane You should say: Who this person is Where they go Why did he/she travel by plane And Read More
Describe a place full of colours? Where is it How do you know about it When you went there What you did there Explain why Read More
Describe a Good Law in Your Country; You should say- What is the law How you came to know about this law Whom does it Read More
Describe a Friend or Person Who Recently Got Success; You should say Who was the person? How do you know him/her? How did he/she get Read More
Talk about a long car journey you went on. Where you went. What you did at this place. Who you went therewith. and Explain why Read More
Describe the Member of Your Family Who is the Most Successful. You should say: who this person is how often do you see each other Read More
Talk about an article on health that you read from a magazine or online; You should say: What the article was? When and where did Read More