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Euthanasia or Mercy Killing Has Been More (Writing Task 2)

Euthanasia or mercy killing has been more and more in the news recently. Although many people oppose it, there is a growing demand to have it legalized. How far do you agree with it? 
You should write at least 250 words.


The practise of killing a victim of incurable disease mercifully is referred to as euthanasia. Some governments of developed countries have accepted it. I am also in favour of it although some critics oppose the legalization of euthanasia around the world.


To begin with, wide acceptance of euthanasia can save the expenditure involved in sustaining the lives of many terminally ill patients, depending or relying on sophisticated medical equipment such as ventilators to remain alive. It is unreasonable to spend huge amounts of money on medicines, medical personnel, and equipment when there is no hope for recovery. Moreover, Muslim countries, being orthodoxy, such as the UAE where such a practice is strongly restricted, which subsidizes many patients in a vegetative state. In fact, the money wasted for this purpose can be used for treating other patients who can be brought back to a healthy life. The legalization of this practice can definitely give those patients a peaceful end through a clinically assisted death.


However, there are arguments that there could be incidents of illegal elements misusing, this law can be abused for their personal advantage. But the authority of this practice should be handed over to doctors after appropriate investigations and strict laws or proper surveillance can definitely prevent the occurrence of crimes related to this issue. Religious people who object to the legalization of mercy killing or moral grounds should consider the practical difficulties associated with preserving life in a vegetative state.


To conclude, such a decision can be proved much better to give a peaceful death to a patient who has been suffering from an incurable illness. Strict actions taken by the government can prevent the misuse of euthanasia.

This is the End of Euthanasia, or mercy killing has been more and more in the news recently. Although many people oppose it, there is a growing demand to have it legalized. How far do you agree with it?  (Writing Task 2)

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