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People in Developed Countries Tend to Buy More and More Things

People in Developed Countries Tend to Buy More and More Things

People in developed countries tend to buy more and more things whether they need them or not. Is it a positive or negative development?

Its seen that the human race have habits of storing more than required. In developed countries, this scenario is in a trend that citizens purchase more things than requirements, whether useful or not. I strongly believe that this is a negative development; my inclination will be justified in the following paragraphs, along with a logical conclusion.

Numerous reasons behind it indicate this advancement is negative in terms of economically and in the market. First and foremost, owing to this trend, in-market, some items get into shortage. As a result, the prize will definitely sore which has a detrimental effect on customers, especially penurious people. Secondly, for buying things in bulk, the huge amount of money required thus, economically burden, sometimes a person takes credit to pay a bill. Moreover, everything has an expired date; after purchase, its waste or garbage material if not get into use.

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However, it also carries few advantages; in this contemporary fast-running life, the majority of citizens have busy work schedules. Thus, buying stuff in bulk is also save time and resources like travelling cost. For example, purchase things for 15 or 20 days in one shopping, among some needed and some predicted. In addition, in mega mall purchaser also eligible to reward or discount if items amount cross limit. Such as the cart value is over $200, then the customer gets a 30% discount.

To sum up, people buy more and more things in developed countries no matter require or not. I believe that this tendency has bad consequences for the community and national; however, for customers, this is positive.

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