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Some People Say That No One Should Work After the Age of 65 Others

Some People Say That No One Should Work After the Age of 65 Others

Some People Say That No One Should Work After the Age of 65 Others Say That They Should Continue the work as long as a want. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Sample 1 Some People Say That No One Should Work After the Age of 65 Others

In today’s society, the topic of retirement age has become a matter of great debate. Some argue that individuals should retire at the age of 65, while others believe that people should have the freedom to work for as long as they desire. This essay will discuss both perspectives and provide my opinion on the matter.

On one hand, those who advocate for a fixed retirement age of 65 often emphasize the importance of rest and relaxation after a long and arduous career. They argue that as people age, their physical and cognitive abilities may decline, which could affect their productivity and overall performance in the workplace. Moreover, by retiring at 65, individuals are provided with an opportunity to enjoy their remaining years by pursuing hobbies, spending quality time with family and friends, and engaging in leisure activities. Another argument in favor of a retirement age of 65 is that it allows for a smoother generational transition in the workforce. This means that younger professionals can have the opportunity to step into leadership roles, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to their organizations.

On the other hand, supporters of working beyond 65 argue that an individual’s retirement should be determined by their personal preference and circumstances. Many people remain in excellent physical and mental health well into their later years and are still capable of contributing significantly to their chosen fields. In this case, retiring at 65 could be seen as a waste of talent and experience. Additionally, with an aging population and increasing life expectancy, people may need to work for a more extended period to ensure financial stability during their retirement. Forcing people to retire at 65, in this case, could cause financial strain and limit their quality of life.

In my opinion, the decision to work beyond the age of 65 should be left up to the individual. Each person’s circumstances, health, and financial needs are unique, and it is essential to respect and accommodate those differences. As long as an individual is capable of performing their job effectively and desires to continue working, they should have the right to do so. In order to create a more inclusive and understanding workplace, companies should consider implementing flexible retirement policies that allow employees to choose their retirement age based on their personal needs and preferences.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments for both a fixed retirement age of 65 and working beyond that age, I believe that the decision should ultimately be left up to the individual. By allowing people to choose when they retire based on their personal circumstances, we can create a more flexible and understanding society that values the contributions of older professionals.

Sample 2 Some People Say That No One Should Work After the Age of 65 Others

The debate over the appropriate age for retirement has garnered significant attention in recent times. Some individuals argue that people should retire at 65, while others believe that they should be allowed to work for as long as they wish. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and offer my personal perspective.

Supporters of a fixed retirement age of 65 contend that retiring at this age offers numerous benefits. Firstly, as people grow older, their physical and mental capacities may decline, potentially reducing their ability to perform effectively in their jobs. By retiring at 65, individuals can enjoy their remaining years and focus on leisure activities, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. Secondly, setting a retirement age of 65 facilitates the transfer of knowledge and leadership from one generation to another in the workforce. This ensures that younger employees can take on leadership positions and contribute new ideas to their organizations.

Conversely, those who advocate for the freedom to work beyond 65 emphasize that retirement should be a matter of personal choice. Many older individuals maintain excellent health and cognitive abilities well past the age of 65 and can continue to contribute meaningfully to their professions. Forcing retirement at 65 could be perceived as a waste of valuable experience and talent. Furthermore, with increasing life expectancy and an aging population, working beyond 65 may be necessary for individuals to secure their financial futures during retirement.

In my view, the decision to retire should be left to the individual, as each person’s health, financial needs, and circumstances are unique. As long as someone can perform their job competently and has a desire to continue working, they should be allowed to do so. Companies should consider adopting flexible retirement policies that accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of their employees.

In conclusion, while there are valid arguments for both retiring at 65 and working beyond this age, I believe that the decision should ultimately be left to the individual. By granting people the freedom to choose their retirement age based on their unique circumstances, we can cultivate a more inclusive and understanding society that recognizes the contributions of older professionals.

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