Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion

Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion

Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion

You should say:

  • Who asked for your opinion
  • Why he/she wanted to know your opinion
  • What opinion you gave
  • And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion

Sample Answer of Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion

I remember a time when one of my colleagues asked for my opinion on a project we were working on. We were both part of a team that was responsible for creating a new marketing campaign for our company. The colleague who asked for my opinion was the team leader, and he was seeking feedback from the rest of the team.

He wanted to know my opinion on the creative direction of the campaign and whether it aligned with our target audience. He was interested in hearing my thoughts on how we could improve the campaign and make it more effective.

I gave my opinion by highlighting some of the strengths of the campaign, as well as areas where I felt it could be improved. I suggested that we focus on creating a more emotional connection with our target audience, and proposed some ideas on how we could achieve this. I also suggested that we conduct more market research to gain a better understanding of our audience’s preferences and behaviors.

I felt flattered when my colleague asked for my opinion. It showed that he valued my input and expertise, which made me feel like an important member of the team. It was also a great opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas, which contributed to the overall success of the project. Overall, it was a positive experience that made me feel more confident in my abilities and more connected to my colleagues.

Follow ups Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion

Question 1 Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

Answer – There could be various reasons why some people dislike giving their opinions. Some individuals may feel that they lack the knowledge or expertise required to offer an informed opinion, while others may worry about the potential consequences of expressing their thoughts. Additionally, some people may be uncomfortable with conflict or disagreement, and therefore avoid giving their opinions to avoid conflict or offending others. Other individuals may feel that their opinions are not valued or taken seriously, leading them to refrain from sharing their thoughts. Overall, the decision to give or withhold an opinion is often influenced by personal beliefs, values, and experiences.

Question 2 Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

Answer – Yes, there are several apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services. These apps use various methods to gather feedback from users, such as surveys, polls, and product reviews. Some popular examples include SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, and Typeform, which allow businesses to create and distribute custom surveys to a targeted audience. There are also apps such as Yelp and TripAdvisor, which allow users to leave reviews and ratings on various businesses, including restaurants, hotels, and other services. Additionally, social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram have become popular channels for users to express their opinions and share feedback about products and services. Overall, these apps provide valuable insights for businesses and help them improve their products or services to better meet the needs of their customers.

Question 3 Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?

Answer – The internet has become a popular platform for people to express their opinions due to its convenience and accessibility. With the rise of social media and other online platforms, individuals can easily share their thoughts and ideas with a wide audience. People may also feel more comfortable expressing their opinions online because it provides a certain level of anonymity and distance, which can make it easier to speak one’s mind without fear of immediate consequences or backlash. Additionally, social media platforms and other online forums have created communities where individuals can connect with like-minded people and engage in discussions about shared interests or causes. Overall, the internet has provided a space for people to express their opinions and engage in meaningful discussions with others, which has the potential to promote awareness, understanding, and positive change.

Question 4 What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?

Answer – One of the main disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet is that it can often lead to conflict and negativity. The anonymity and distance that the internet provides can sometimes encourage people to express their opinions in a harsh and critical manner, which can result in hurtful or offensive comments. Additionally, people may be exposed to different viewpoints and opinions that conflict with their own, which can lead to arguments and disagreements. The internet also has the potential to amplify opinions and create echo chambers, where people only hear opinions that align with their own and fail to consider alternative perspectives. Finally, the permanence of the internet can make it difficult to retract or amend opinions that may have been expressed impulsively or without careful consideration. Overall, while the internet has provided a platform for people to share their opinions and engage in meaningful discussions, it is important to consider the potential risks and negative consequences of sharing opinions online.
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About Manjeet Singh 312 Articles
I am Manjeet . I am an experienced teacher of IELTS with an impressive track record of helping students learn their English language. My academic journey began at the world-renowned DAV College - [DAVC], Chandigarh, where I received my bachelor's degree with a degree in English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploring the language. With more than seven years of professional experience, I've developed a philosophy of teaching that is both creative and compassionate, designed to help each student realize their potential. My experience is a testimony to my dedication to excellence as well as a profound conviction in the potential of education.

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