Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed: You should say:

  • What the decision was?
  • How was it made?
  • What you disagreed with?
  • And explain why you disagreed with it?

Sample 1 Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

There was a time when I found myself in disagreement with a decision made by one of my close friends. In this essay, I will outline the decision, how it was made, the aspects I disagreed with, and my reasons for disagreement.

The decision in question was my friend’s choice to quit her stable job and invest all her savings in a high-risk business venture. She had been working for a reputable company for several years and had managed to save a considerable amount of money. However, she had always harbored entrepreneurial aspirations and believed that this new venture was the opportunity she had been waiting for. After conducting some research and attending a few workshops, she made up her mind to take the plunge and invest her savings in the new business.

The decision was made rather hastily, as my friend was swayed by the potential high returns that the business venture promised. She did consult with some of her peers, but their opinions were divided. Despite the conflicting advice, she chose to follow her instincts and proceeded with the investment without seeking any professional financial guidance.

I disagreed with the decision for several reasons. Firstly, I believed that it was too risky to invest all her savings in a single venture, especially one with such high risks associated. Secondly, I felt that she had not done enough research or consulted with experienced professionals before making her decision. Finally, I was concerned that leaving her stable job to pursue this venture could have long-lasting consequences on her career if the business failed.

My disagreement with the decision was rooted in my concern for my friend’s financial well-being and future prospects. I believed that she should have explored alternative investment strategies, such as diversifying her portfolio or seeking professional advice before committing her entire savings to the venture. I also felt that it would have been more prudent to maintain her job and pursue the business on a part-time basis until she was confident in its viability.

In conclusion, the decision made by my friend to quit her job and invest her savings in a high-risk business venture was one that I strongly disagreed with. My concerns were based on the potential financial and career implications of her actions, as well as the lack of thorough research and consultation with experts. While I respected her ambition and drive, I felt that a more cautious approach would have been in her best interest.

Sample 2 Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

There was an instance when I found myself in disagreement with a decision made by one of my colleagues at work. In this essay, I will discuss the decision, the process of making it, the aspects I disagreed with, and the reasons behind my disagreement.

The decision in question involved my colleague’s choice to delegate a critical task to a junior team member who had limited experience in the subject matter. This task was part of a larger project with a tight deadline and significant implications for our department’s performance. The decision was made during a team meeting when my colleague, who was responsible for overseeing the project, announced the task assignment.

The decision was based on my colleague’s assessment of the team’s workload and his belief that the junior team member could handle the responsibility. While I understood his intention to distribute the workload evenly and provide growth opportunities for the less experienced member, I disagreed with his choice.

My disagreement stemmed from several concerns. Firstly, I believed that the task’s complexity and importance warranted the involvement of a more experienced team member to ensure its successful completion. Secondly, I felt that assigning the task to someone with limited experience could compromise the project’s quality and potentially jeopardize our department’s reputation. Lastly, I was worried that the junior team member, overwhelmed by the responsibility, might struggle to meet the deadline, causing further delays in the project’s progress.

In conclusion, the decision made by my colleague to delegate a crucial task to a junior team member was one I disagreed with. My concerns were based on the potential impact on the project’s quality, deadline, and our department’s reputation, as well as the challenges the junior team member might face in executing the task. While I appreciated the intention to provide opportunities for professional growth, I believed that a more cautious approach, such as pairing the junior member with a more experienced colleague or offering additional support, would have been more appropriate.

Follow ups of Talk About a Decision Made by Someone but You Disagreed

Question 1:- What skills are necessary when making decisions?

Answer – Effective decision-making requires a combination of essential skills. Critical thinking and analytical abilities enable individuals to evaluate various options, weigh pros and cons, and assess potential outcomes. Emotional intelligence is crucial for understanding the impact of decisions on stakeholders and managing emotions during the process. Decisiveness helps in making timely and informed choices, while adaptability allows for adjusting decisions when new information arises. Lastly, effective communication is vital for articulating decisions, addressing concerns, and ensuring a shared understanding among involved parties.

Question 2:- How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?

Answer – Computers are poised to significantly change the way people make decisions by providing rapid access to vast amounts of data and advanced analytical tools. This enables more informed and data-driven decision-making, minimizing guesswork and intuition. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can also help identify patterns, trends, and potential outcomes that may not be apparent to human decision-makers. Consequently, computers will enhance the decision-making process by complementing human judgment with accurate, real-time information, and predictive insights.

Question 3:- How can people improve their decision-making skills?

Answer – Improving decision-making skills involves practice, reflection, and continuous learning. Individuals can start by expanding their knowledge base and understanding the context of the decisions they face. They should also practice critical thinking and analytical skills by evaluating multiple options and potential outcomes. Seeking diverse perspectives, embracing feedback, and learning from past experiences can further enhance decision-making abilities. Additionally, developing emotional intelligence and effective communication skills helps in understanding and articulating the implications of decisions to stakeholders.

Question 4:- Do parents in India allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

Answer – In India, parental involvement in children’s decision-making varies across families and generations. Traditionally, parents often play a significant role in making important decisions for their children, such as education, career choices, and marriage. However, with changing times and increasing exposure to global cultures, many Indian parents are now encouraging their children to be more independent and participate actively in making important decisions about their future, promoting autonomy and personal growth.

Question 5:- Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Answer – While parental guidance is valuable, it is crucial to strike a balance between involvement and autonomy when it comes to children’s important decisions. Parents should provide support, advice, and share their experiences, but ultimately allow children to make their own choices. This approach fosters personal growth, independence, and the development of decision-making skills. Encouraging children to take responsibility for their decisions helps them learn from their successes and failures, building resilience and adaptability.

About Manjeet Singh 312 Articles
I am Manjeet . I am an experienced teacher of IELTS with an impressive track record of helping students learn their English language. My academic journey began at the world-renowned DAV College - [DAVC], Chandigarh, where I received my bachelor's degree with a degree in English and Education. This fueled my love of teaching and exploring the language. With more than seven years of professional experience, I've developed a philosophy of teaching that is both creative and compassionate, designed to help each student realize their potential. My experience is a testimony to my dedication to excellence as well as a profound conviction in the potential of education.

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